Anyone color / dye their MT wheels with good results

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I like to dye all my wheels. fabric dye like ritt or tintex (I use tintex as the dollar store carries it.) 2 boxes in a pot of boiling water does 4 rims and the odd small part or wing.

I think it helps boiling rims to keep them from cracking too
I did mine black, I used to have an mt. and I got them from tower...I have dyed just about every set of wheels I have had to glue together, wings too. I dyed my first generation align t rex heli black, every single grey part..
Anyone dyed white wheels bright orange?
It's part of my next - supposedly SLOW - project.
I've got the FG 6-spoke Speedlines and just need a cheap pan, stove and somewhere quiet in the garden .... !!
The main thing EVERYONE says is this dye is P E R M A N E N T !!
You've got to think very carefully where and what with before you start!!
(That's what I've been told anyway and I don't doubt it!!)
I do it right on the stove in an old pot. Heat half the water on the stove and get a kettle boiling, speeds things up. mix the dye in and turn the heat off. toss parts in. remember air bubbles keep dye from getting to the plastic so a pair of tongs to move stuff once in a while helps... the deeper the color you want the longer you let it sit in the solution. I also cover the pot after parts go in
How long do you leave them for?
Orange is obviously a BRIGHT colour, so slight variations in time will bring just that - variations.
I'm going to go for the hang procedure - through the mount hole - don't mind a little line on the reverse side.
Understood the moving bit.
Does the water need to be maintained boiling or just to dissolve the dye, typically?
E.g. Bring to the boil, mix in, turn off / lower the heat, then 'dip' the wheel - obviously unless the pot is a giant, it's one wheel at a time.
you could warm it up between wheels. but it will get deeper the longer it sits .. well to a point. just rinse with cold water when done. it's really easy to do... I did blue rims on my gs racing buggy, done red, black. you can dye pretty well anything plastic too, or nylon
I don't have a picture, but I had a set of FG baja wheels I dyed black and they looked good. They held up great for the lifetime of the tire. Even when they got scratched up they were ok.

I did my ORIGINAL firehammer wheel way back when with rit dye...


and these are the "NEW" nutech wheels that just came out the same thing as the old firehammer wheels

and if the tires are glued and you want to spray them, google automagic... you can order spray fabric dyes, even from the online store. it's like a can of paint