What the frack is a Oneway diff anyway???

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What is a oneway diff?? Is a oneway diff a straight axle?? No. Is a oneway diff a geared diff?? No. A oneway diff is a mimic...... off power or during braking it can mimic a differential on power it locks up like a straight axle. Also if you have the right overdrive ratio when the rear end loses traction the front end takes over and helps pull it thru the corner. I am trying to get my FG Sportline setup correctly so Overdrive will work. My biggest problem is developing a faster technique for truing down the tires I found this information about Oneways on the X-Ray website. You might want to read this articule because there are several different version of a oneway and clear up some misconceptions about what a oneway diff is. This link will take you to the X-Ray NT1 setup page scroll down x-ray NT1 setup download.. you will want page 36 https://www.teamxray.com/teamxray/products/proddwnld.php?prod_id=3371&kategoria=0&catName=XRAY NT1R
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Interesting . Did you have drill new mounting holes? Had my beast out a couple of days ago and thought to myself how nice it would be to finish up the rest of my projects and install some hydros on the Beamer .
Yes, I hand to drill new holes in the chassis plate. The hydros will improve stopping power. I had to adjust mine because they were tooo powerful.