What's up guys transfer gear issue

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Hey guys I currently stripped my second transfer gear any ideas why it's stripping? I'm using a metal one and also I have stripped the main diff gear the second time the transfer gear got eaten?
engine mount screws. when the engine moves the gears seperate and it eats them. or like above alignment. I made a brace with some aluminum from a spare mounting hole on the engine to the rear bulkhead, it stops the seperation... flex can also cause this to happen. the brace eliminates this too.

Yup, once the motor or mesh comes loose it will round out the gears. You can swap the small gear in reverse and still bash but the gears will forever be worn round and skip until they strip completely. Replacement is the only way to stop it and secure it with a larger diff plate or a different type like above...
Do you have alloy motor mounts? If the plastic ones are coming loose that too will allow the gear mesh to get messed up..