80% of them were installed backwards from the factory!

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Sonoma County CA
Yes there is a right way and a wrong way to install a C / E clip.

80% of all the clips from the factory were installed backwards. This increases the chance of them coming off while running.

Clips are made of stamped metal. One side will be smooth and the other side will have a sharp edge on it. The stamping process will also somewhat cup the clip.

Clips need to be installed with the sharp edge to the outside or away from an moving part that will rub on it. If its on backwards the chances of them coming off is significantly increased.

I have read post after post about people loosing clips in the field. May this be the reason? Just something to keep in mind as your wrenching.
Yes the sharp edge makes it bite and stay in the groove better. The smooth edge facing out makes them easier to pop off. Good reminder Fast Eddie.
heh FULL PISS. i like that way of saying WFO... lol
tree and "FULL PISS" is how i lost the wheel one..
lost one or two off the hinge pins too.
This is just one of those little things to look out for as you building or repairing. Im extremely anal when it comes to my rigs. Its rare that I ever have a DNF due to mechanical failure. Im the kind of guy that will spend 5 minutes cleaning each part and inspecting it. I go as far as using a torque wrench on most every screw as Im putting things together.

Does it make a difference?
I think so. It certainly doesn't hurt to take the extra time to do things the right way.
fasteddy your right on about clips i race quarscales and the older shocks the piston was held onto the shafts with e clips and once in awhile they would come off inside shock because they werent installed right like you said now there held on with nuts
Tonight I was installing some rpm arms on the LST and this post came to mind....everyone of the e clips were on backwards!

Thanks again for the tip!
Hey Fasteddy, first there was something about a green (I think) swim trunks, now your anal. Your funny as h*ll. Thanks for the tip I had never thought of that.