the 1 1/2 out on H and 1 1/4 out on L for the stock 23cc settings ARE typically rich, but not always. an air leak will make even the richest settings seem Lean!!
for a 28.5 with A DDM Dominator, i would start out at 1 5/8 ( or 1 3/4 ) out on the High needle, and 1 1/2 out on the low needle. it may be a female dog to start as the l may be fairly rich. so you may need to tweek the low back from 1 1/2 to get it to start.
yes. turning the screws Counter Clockwise is Richer, and turning them Clockwise is Leaner. gently screw the needles all the way in ( clockwise ) and then count the turn out to the starting settings. then start, warm up, and then start doing some tuing runs.
remember these arnt nitro motors. so very small needle movement are REQUIRED.
turning the needles on a gasser too lean even for a bit of time, will cause damage. unlike a nitor where you can lean the motor out until it wont run. do that on a gasser and it wont run, like you now know, but unlike a nitro, you cant re richen the needles and get it to run again.
Take some time and research how to tune these gassers, its not ALOT different from nitros, but enough to warrent a good understanding.
these carbs are very sensative to needle movements.
you can find some info here on tuning, and theres a SHITLOAD of it over on the HBF. , which is this sites Sister Site.