Anyone running ski's up front?

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there has been afew guys that did it. but it only really works in heavy and packed snow. which in all honesty, works better with stock front tires.

biggest issue is the snow has to be packed enough to support the weight on the 4 wheels. if its not packed the rear cant get good enough traction. and if it does get good enough traction to push the skis, it will likely push the front wheels just fine and you ll have better turning.
nothing wrong with a fun project.

id suggest you pay attention to the skag desing. its the most important part to a ski used on a powered vehicle, but has received the least amount of attention so far imo.

a good skag design will make a HUGE differance for turning.
im sure you know this already, but for anyone else thinking about it.

If i did one, id model it after a good sled ski. with a spring loaded ski stabilizer of sorts. to keep the nose up when its off the ground for landing.
Yeah i have a pretty good idea of how I'm gonna do it:p I'm buying most of what i need from tower hobbies and making the rest and the cost is lowe. I'm just killing time till spring:p