Baja Steel 55/19 Spur & Pinion Combo

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I have finally toasted my first stock clutch, after destroying a spring 2 weeks ago. The heat warped the bell, seized the first bearing, and melted the clutch bell holder. I promised myself I would upgrade to the Alum Turtle bell with a new clutch to ensure they are true. Well, of course, I could not help myself... following new cage mods, repositioned lights, lightened flywheel, and CY29 with JPv3 pipe, I figure why not blow another $150.

I just purchased the new 55T spur/19T pinion combo and was wondering if anyone has seen it in action. My original stock set has such sharp teeth I expect it will be bald by the end of October anyway. I am a sucker for the speed and efficiency mods. I picked up the pinion heat sink too, wondering if thats gonna fit with this pinion - DDM does not mention if it does or not and I cannot find a thread to prove it. Any opinion to post? Thanks!
hi. i jave the R.R. speed set and i have a heat sink pinion from hpi and i know it doesn't fit it. don't know about the rc4wd. and whatare you doing for driving. the turtle aluminum bell is really only meant for all out performance. it does tend to wear quickly but the steel one is just as good of performance and last forever.
Thanks! Its the RC4WD set... anyone else know whether the pinion heat sink will fit?

Alum Turtle bell for all out performance. I guess I am thinking that all of this time and money is for all out performance each and every time I run it. I don't earn a living running this car, although we all sure would love to. I am OK with the wear and tear as long as it outlasts the stock. The steel bells are about the same price. I have about 3.5 gallons through that stock bell and it warped due to heat, along with dmg caused by the spring blowout 2 weeks ago.

Do you know how long I might expect from the alum bell? Curious about "just as good" performance... there is no noticable difference in the reduction of rotating mass? The flywheel mod was noticeable improvement on the low-end, but ran the Fuelie a little too hot for comfort. The CY29 seams to be cooling well with fine caramel on the plug. I expect that thing to spool up faster... thus balancing out my RC4WD 55T/19T mod a little bit. Thanks
I am looking forward to it! I figure that I will be stealing a bit from the low end with the new gearing. I could use a snappy new cluth and bell. Thanks
gretti, just so you understand the TR Alum bell will wear, it was made for people that just want quick accel and are willing to pay for it. The TR Steel bell is long lasting and dependable but you sacrifice accel. Just making sure you understand this.
also, fwiw, the acceleration differance between the two wont be HUGE, but it will be noticable. imo, go with the steel bell, if you have a modded or Race Ported motor, you ll likely not notice the differance.
This thing realy gets it now.. You have a good mix of mods. Ran like a champ tonight. For anyone intersted in the gear set I think it is very well balanced between grunt and speed.. However.. you definatly need a stout engine to make it all work..