beetle body

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I think there's a licensing issue with VW.

I picked up pretty much the last one in aus about a month ago :celebrate: and it was a standard beetle bod - cut off the guards, bit of trimming, cheapo wing and bingo! Monster Beetle.

There were a few around in the states and UK when I was after one but the shipping was the same cost as the body! Good luck tracking one down, I think there up there with rocking horse poo... maybe I should keep it clean.

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sickboy,that body has some rear scoops I haven't seen before but you can get beetle bodies very similar here,about half way down the page on the right.:) Hope this helps:cool2:

hi frumpy this i know. Ive found the man that makes these in holland.they cost €75
and they are made of polyester just rang the man he said they are gel coated
he s going to let me know what coulors possible.same matierial as prefab swimming pools the only thing is the windows youve got to cut them out not
to big a job :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :gunsmilie: :rock-on:
here s more photos


hi frumpy this i know. Ive found the man that makes these in holland.they cost €75
and they are made of polyester just rang the man he said they are gel coated
he s going to let me know what coulors possible.same matierial as prefab swimming pools the only thing is the windows youve got to cut them out not
to big a job :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :gunsmilie: :rock-on:
here s more photos


hey those are pret:clown: ty neat i want one wheres his link and how much would that cost in us currency
find link

first go to this link

then look for (hobby en vrije tijd) on the lefthand clik on.

scroll down to (modelbouw).clik on.

clik on(Aangeboden).

type in (fg kap) clik on (zoek) right hand

look for ( nieuwe beetle-kever kap voor fg marder, carson attack)
black or red beetels

clik on (neem contact op met adverteerder)

(uw naam ) your name

(uw e-mialadres) your emailaddress

(uw vraag) your ?

then clik on (verstuur) send

hope this will work:celebrate: