Can hardly wait

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I am going to be getting my Baja in about a month and cannot wait. The weather here in wisconsin has been cold the last two weeks but now is warming up nicely and all the snow is melting. Really getting me anxious to get the Baja now. I have my DDM shopping cart all loaded and ready to go.
Yes it may even be sooner. Just waiting on a check in the mail. I will probably order it as soon as I have the check in hand.
I am supposed to get mine for my B-Day on Mar. 11th but I think I'll get it for my wife on her B-Day on the 27th of Feb. LOL Maybe I'll order it on her B-day so it will be here by mine. I mean I am going to the beach for a few days for my B-day and it would be a crime not to have my baja.