Can it be

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I have a Zenoah G260RC Engine in my FG Monster,that do not wanna start I have tried every thing and still no go.After some bashing I stipped the car for a clean up and I could here that there was some gringing in the engine so I took the head of and whola beach sand in the head and piston side so I cleaned it up put everting to getter and ever since I cannot get it started,can it be that the engine has seezed(there is still alot of compresion)
The cylinder bore is scorn, time for a new motor. The compression is probably not enough to fire the engine.
check all seals did you replace them all you should of i hope.but if sand was their i had the same thing with my ddm and that did not start any more it was dead and is the seal for the carb lined up properly with the manifold the little hole on the seal and engine