Well it came, I installed it. I had all of the install problems that every one else has had. But worth every bit of it. I need a longer screw to bolt it on the elcon drive train. I'm running it now only bolted onto the engine, seems pretty solid.
That power band that everyone always talks about is pretty cool. It seems to kick in more towards the mid range than the low range. No wheelies, but lots of power. My stock muffler can was okay, it tore up the grass, but now with the torque pipe it cuts all the way down to the dirt. And man, is this thing loud, screaming loud, sounds awesome, like a pissed off chain saw. I found that I had to adjust the H needle, I think, the one that affects the the idle, I had to lean it out a little to help it idle and not die, does that make since? With my stock can I probably had it as rich as possible with out it dying.