not to bad, if you don't have it on yet. i fount it best to take the rear rollcage and just move it out of your way. requires removing one of the rear top shock screws. make sure the cylinder surface is clean and smooth, put the bolts thru the dom a gasket, the steel plate OR the thin xport DOM spacer, gasket and thread them in just till they are close to being tight. then remove the bottom right roll cage bolt out, screw in the new DDM supplied mounting bolt so you have a few of the threads above the lock nut in the cage holder.
now you ll need to fiddle with the dom and mounting bracket to get the bolt thru the bracket a bit. once you have the bracket centered to the bolt add your 2nd lock nut and screw it down to the bracket using a nut driver, 5/16s i think it is. then finish seating the bolt. once the bolts tight and holding the roll cage correctly, finish tightening the dom lock nut and then the exhaust bolts. and your done.
only other advice i can offer is it may be a bit finicky to start. the dom Breaths alot more than the stock can, so you may want to richen the low needle about 1/4 to start out. the high at 1.75 for starting.
you ll have to redo the full tuning of the motor, as this pipe makes the motor breath differently so will need to be jetted for it. same would go if you change to a different pipe later. you ll need to retune a bit everytime you make a change like this. or say a new carb, ect.