driving on water...

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Well-Known Member
new jersey
i just recieved this in an email from a friend of mine... i don't know if any of you have seen this before, but i thought it was pretty amazing..
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This looks like something for the Mythbusters. I know that RC cars have rubber tires and that brushless systems have increased the speed capability, but I don't think it could result in this. That car flipped onto its shell on the first run and then came back. The downward impact of the front end would break the surface tension of the water and it would submarine. My guess is that this is a good photoshop type deal only for video.
I wouldn't want to take the chance of sinking my brushless system for a foolish stunt like that. Either this guy has more money than brains, or it was faked.
I have seen this done over large puddles so I know it is possible..
I admit he was very lucky not to loose the car when the shell flipped back but he still kept the speed up.....and if he is running tyres like sand paddles then they just act like huge oars and push easily

real cars do this too...just search you tube for swamp buggies...
That is a outtake from a longer video. He did do some bad runs before he got it to drive from one end to the other. This is a traxxas slash I think, fitted with traxxas waterproof brushless motor and ESC. With sand padles this is not that hard to do. I have filmed my friends driving on water, with the same result, and this is NO case for mythbusters.
yeah, i didn't know if it was real or not, but i thought it was pretty cool... i couldn't find anything that would suggest it being photo shopped.... 4wd, wit paddles and brushless, i figured why not.. lol anyways... cool video...
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