Engine Problems

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Hi All
I need help,
Zenoah 26cc
I have clean the engine put a new spark plug wire but the engine do not want to start there is definetly spark but nothing I have take the carb of and the head of but no go,hope some one can assist
first take the spark plug out then turn the car upside down pull the pull start till all the petrol is out of the engine put the sprk plug back in

then try the high and low needels on the carb turn them all the way in don't over do it
then turn them out 1 3/4 of turn it worked for me :)
hope that helps
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1 3/4 on the low is a bit much don't you think, 1 1/4 is more the norm.
1 3/4 on the high is fine.
Make sure you are using the choke the correct way, I know it sounds silly but it has happened before.
With the choke lever vertical pull the starter until the engine pops, then put the choke lever horizontal and pull till it fires, you may need to use a little throttle if it doesn't fire straight away.

no thats what i did and it went stright away no probs chacka and had been trying to get that thing on the go for a long time .then got the tip from here some where i was a man with a:)
If this is the engine you asked about in the other thread, if you found sand in it then its more than likely as No Moa mentioned in the other thread that the bore is trashed and won't build up enough compression to fire, time for a new engine/headkit and a good air filter that doesn't let sand in
If this is the same engine that sucked up half the beach then it's stuffed.

Crank case bearings probably got sand in them.
Needle roller bearings on con rod possibly got sand in them.
Piston probably looks like it was sand blasted.
Cylinder possibly got a lot of scratches above the exhaust port.

I have seen a few engines with sand in them from beach running and they norally require a full re-build.

Pics of piston and inside cylinder would be good.

Sorry it's not the answer you wanted!
That does not look as bad as I pictured. I cannot see from the pictures if the top end is scarred that bad? The most important area to not have groove marks in it would be the top of the head where the squish and compression is made. If you are hard set and broke you could try to switch out the ring, flush the lower end out with cleaner several times to remove sand residue and reinstall.
Good luck!:clover::)
To me the left hand side of the ring looks like it's caught in the groove on the piston.

It could be crud or a burr preventing it from springing out.

Going by those pics I would do as BTB suggested, flushed her out with fuel, replace the ring, clean out the ring groove and make sure the new ring moves freely then install with a new head gasket and you should be good to go.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Herewith photes of engine


now lets have a look

i ll concur, looks pretty clean for the most part.

just be sure the gasket material is .020 thickness. its critical to get the proper thickness material for the motor to run correctly.
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