FG Baja 4wd

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Milton,On CANADA
Any more news on this yet. I've been out of the hobby for a few months now while I work on and drive my 1:1 Hummer H1. Just wonderinging if Fg is getting closer to production.
yes its belt drive and although they have released pictures doesn't mean that it will get released to buy they done this last year for nurnberg for the toy fair and guess what they have done it again got everyones hopes up and it will be put off and put off if it was gonna happen id think theyed be better releasing the car and forgetting about all their little news flyers cause deep down id like it to happen but its the same old news from fg they cant even put a proper release date on it and the sad thing is this has been in development for around 6 years and from what i hear it still isnt right where as if they had bit the bullet and went with shaft driven they would have been on the market for a few years now with there 4wd
yes its belt drive and although they have released pictures doesn't mean that it will get released to buy they done this last year for nurnberg for the toy fair and guess what they have done it again got everyones hopes up and it will be put off and put off if it was gonna happen id think theyed be better releasing the car and forgetting about all their little news flyers cause deep down id like it to happen but its the same old news from fg they cant even put a proper release date on it and the sad thing is this has been in development for around 6 years and from what i hear it still isnt right where as if they had bit the bullet and went with shaft driven they would have been on the market for a few years now with there 4wd

:clap: So true, Belt was a 1st generation design and if it worked your right it would of been battling with Kamitiros kit and it has never been seen. Been hearing this since the beginning of my large scale ventures and ya its been shown before and excitement came and went. I think the only upgrade FG has on the belt types is the enclosed diff, other then that belt better have specific teething for slippage when wet and protection from rocks and debris or I can't imagine needing to replace a FG 4x4 belt for who knows what crazy price it will be each time it goes.
yes its belt drive and although they have released pictures doesn't mean that it will get released to buy they done this last year for nurnberg for the toy fair and guess what they have done it again got everyones hopes up and it will be put off and put off if it was gonna happen id think theyed be better releasing the car and forgetting about all their little news flyers cause deep down id like it to happen but its the same old news from fg they cant even put a proper release date on it and the sad thing is this has been in development for around 6 years and from what i hear it still isnt right where as if they had bit the bullet and went with shaft driven they would have been on the market for a few years now with there 4wd

I think you have been misinformed, this is shaft drive and the release date is slated for july 2008, conversion kits will be available for all current FG 2wd models, it wont be cheap but it will be FG. Hobbythek will be the first to get them and I know Chris at bigboystoys already has an order in.....I don't know if this will be available in plastic or just the competition series all alloy...more info will be released soon...watch this space the wait will soon be over!!
hi lads i was talking to harry from pit stop shop he said that the release date mid april he has direct contact with fg franz and over hobby take i would like to how you got that info that would be a no go considering harry nos more that i know
hi lads i was talking to harry from pit stop shop he said that the release date mid april he has direct contact with fg franz and over hobby take i would like to how you got that info that would be a no go considering harry nos more that i know

I just bought a new baja only to find out that the kamitiro 4x4 chain drive (or belt) wont fit so I did some phishing and bingo FG 4x4 is officially on it's way.
I got my info from Wolfgang at hobbythek and Chris at bigboystoys (hobbythek will get them first of course bigboystoys are getting them in July so an April release in Germany sounds about right),
Seeing as the market for 4x4 is heating up with new players entering the arena FG have finally decided to act before they get smoked in the market place. They never needed to release a 4x4 before as they led the 2x4 market for so long and only MCD and kamitiro were selling super expensive 4x4's with a relatively small sales record.
Now I haven't discovered if the standard will be plastic parts with alloy hop ups or just alloy; which will cost about $3000 for a competition rtr. I'm sure plastic will become an option though, it's way cheaper and the conversion kit sales would outstrip rtr sales by a gazillion %
This will be a smart marketing strategy as the beauty of the FG will be previous model compatability and the ability to run a 2 speed. I'm already in line for the conversion kit.
well the car on show at nurenberg was definately belt driven and pics clearly showed that as for the release date they have done that for the past 3 years giving a potential release date and note delivered and as for franz he has been promising things for the last 5 years and hasnt delivered and has disappointed alot of people hence why alot of people jumped ship to mcd as fg couldnt deliver so all i will say is don't hold your breath and wait and see