FG Beetle Pro's back in stock!!!!

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I believe the Pro Models are the MT set up and chassis with the conversions for the Beetle and Stadium tops, gearing and tires.

Yes,the regular FG Beetle,is actually fit on the Marder chassis.

As you said,the pro is on the Monster truck chassis.

Gearing and bodies do differ.


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So you're saying a "monster beetle" comes on a marder chassis... and a "monster beetle pro" comes on a monster chassis... I suspect this is still incorrect so I thought I'd clear up the question, I'll put it like this-

FG Beetle = marder chassis (single shocks, 18 x 46 gears)
FG Monster Beetle = monster chassis (dual shocks, 16 x 48 gears)
FG Monster Beetle Pro = same as monster beetle but with what else?

What I want to know is what does that little word "Pro" get you? An alloy diff? Any alloy parts? A wing on the back? I'm just curious as to what the "Pro" denotes thats all, I realise the difference between a monster and a normal beetle.
No worries mate, I see now... a monster beetle is a bit disappointing then - Pro is the go, although it'd wheelie well without the extra weight.
hows the going lads.
just bought a brand new pro beetle have just three tanks burned in a football field(mad machine) but handling very tricky,i presume cause of weight -power to weight ratio etc,and cause of that i have allready flipped it four times and smashed rear wing..
wouldnt recomend any hard braking on tarmac or similar surfaces..
by the way any body know how relibale these are even when looked after carefully??
ive had myn for a few months now broke about 4 times now had trouble with my steering servo but changed to a hitech servo with metal gearing . the small cog on my teeth chipped of so just ordered one but this is from proper ragging the hell out of it over bumbs and ramping 10 ft jumps and stuff these things wil last for ever on a flat field i recon ive just chromed al my engine new jetpro pipe new cogs new servo gonna look after it this time round and the reason the servo whent is because of the settings on the remote it wos turning to much so just watch out that