FG Price increase due to Euro

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Just an FYI, the FG vehicles prices have gone up drastically over the last week from the distributors. The reason they claim is due to the Euro being so good against the US dollar. For example, the average selling price of the monster truck was $1095(not our price) and now it is $1500. Prices increased almost 40%.

When you see the price increase, the dealers are not making more money on them, the actual cost has gone up. There will be some places that have some at the old prices but that will be just old stock purchased before the price increases.

We will have the new prices listed on the site this week as well as the vehicles on sale that are in stock as the old prices.

We will aslo attemp to keep our prices at the lowest possible as we always have.
That's too bad. Funny the price of autos haven't gone up?
It will only push the US buyers to the Baja.
I wonder if it will be like taxes and when the dollar gets better the price will stay the same? Have we ever seen a price reduction?
fg prices

god damn thats a hike... hate to see it in aus then :no:

I don't think prices will affect you. The price increase is not from FG but from the US distributors. They are paying more to get the cars here due to the bad exchange rate.
Yeah I have only seen the AU/EURO rate change by .07 so FG, Elcon and any other euro brands wont be going up here. We might see US guys buying stuff from Aus for a change.
Actually more international customers will be buying from the US as it is more favorable. It will be cheaper to buy from US than from your own country on most items. When the US dollar is bad(as it is now), exporting out of the US increases.
Actually more international customers will be buying from the US as it is more favorable. It will be cheaper to buy from US than from your own country on most items. When the US dollar is bad(as it is now), exporting out of the US increases.

The above is correct however, if the US prices go up by 40% then it doesn't matter because you wont be cheaper for parts regardless of the dollar and and at the minimum guys in AU will look for local suppliers.
That's too bad. Funny the price of autos haven't gone up?
It will only push the US buyers to the Baja.
I wonder if it will be like taxes and when the dollar gets better the price will stay the same? Have we ever seen a price reduction?

I agree, I think this was a bad move on FG's part. With the release of the HPI Baja SS and now a price increase on FG models, it's only going to push more to the Baja instead.

My wife told me that Chanel bags were going up drastically as well, so we quickly had to go shop for one for an early Christmas present... LOL...
That sucks about the FG's just when I wanted to get a sprotsline!!
Hey Guys!

Hello Woodie,
What RC NUTS said was FG did not raise any prices on any items.
The conversion rate when the U.S Distributors buy from (FG) it cost more.

so lets say each truck cost 1000 euro from FG...each euro is almost 1.50 exchange rate,so for every 1 euro we need to pay $1.50

1000 euro for the truck would cost us $1500 U.S dollars.
It has'nt been to long ago when we were on the otherside of that.

Every country in the world wanted our dollar,there eyes would open wide seeing the american money.
Now,the only people that want the U.S dollar is the americans.

We currently have most of our items updated with new prices.
We also have many new items being added over this weekend ,so keep checking back!


Thanks and have a great weekend!

I agree, I think this was a bad move on FG's part. With the release of the HPI Baja SS and now a price increase on FG models, it's only going to push more to the Baja instead.

hi lads just been reading this thread so i done some ringing around
theirs :no: price change here in holland or germany.going to look more into it.
let je no

No one has stated FG made price changes.
The american dollar is worth less and the euro is worth more.
When we send american money there to exchange it for euro dollars it cost more.
1=euro is $1.50 us. give or take each day.


hi lads just been reading this thread so i done some ringing around
theirs :no: price change here in holland or germany.going to look more into it.
let je no
All I can say about this, is they are putting themselves in a bad position. We have seen 2 large price increases in less than 1 month !! This is already causing problems here in the US. Remember these vehicles are imported to the US. Meaning parts & all accessories are in the same situation money wise !! Time will tell on this issue ....

MCD's as mentioned have been affected by this from the begining. Now everyone can see why they have been a bit more money from the begining ! The price difference between vehicles will definitely make a difference in sales. Makes MCD's look like a better deal & makes HPI Baja 5b products look that much more affordable !!
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its just the exchange rate is making you guys think theres a price increase as said multiple times .
up here in Canada im loving it as a purchacer and a seller will only eat so much on the exchange rate before having to make pricing changes to compesate on there lose because of the exchange rates ..
Well thanks what i think anyways ..
I agree that the exchange rate is the issue. Un-fortunately for us here in the US pay the price for this. Thus putting FG in a situation in the US market. Which is a huge part of the R/C community. Some prices have always been affected this way anyway, like Elcon & other European companys. Same exchange rate issues with US prices purchasing these items. Just makes an FG a more expensive vehicle here & maintenance + parts the same thing. Thus making the decision to go with another brand a more likely decision ...