i would also be lying if i said i hadn't broken my Smartech bigfoot. But like CSP said with any R/C no matter the cost breakage is too be expected. After all the manufactures couldnt go putting a product on the market that never broke, they make most of the money from parts being sold.
I also have the baja 5b, i am not real hard on it but i am alot harder on it compared to the Smartech big foot. I haven had to replace anything on it, i wore down a set of rear tires, i actually wore them out during normal use, not doing donuts and powerslides repeatedly. I have done them but i don't just keep doing them over and over on dry pavement. Other than the tires and a steering servo that is all i had to do with the baja. The steering servo was totally my bad i hit a concrete drainage pipe with the right front wheel at a fair bit of speed.
The baja buggy is fun to drive in stock form. It really lacks luster in the jumping department, but powerslides, donuts, burnouts, just all out WFO driving its awesome.
I cant really tell you which one to get. I like both of my vehicles and wouldnt have any others. Budget wise however the buggy while more expensive in the beginning is much cheaper to hop up than the DTX and SMT trucks. They use some of the available FG hop up parts which are crazy expensive. I want so badly to hop my truck up with a few beefy aluminum parts but i never get any futher than seeing the price and going screw that its fine the way it is, which it really is ok but it has such potential.
best thing to do with the truck if you get one, get a heavy clutch spring and light weight clutch shoes, and either x can or gut your stock muffler such an improvement in performance. If you can find a reasonablely priced adjustable clutch go for that instead of the shoes and spring. you would not believe how much power these things have if you regulate at what RPM the clutch locks in. get it close to 8 or 9k and they will nearly stand on the rear wheels when they take off. same with the buggy or any other rc car for that matter. clutch mods help so much with the bottom end lag that most of the rc cars suffer from. they are almost unbearable in stock form, any of the rc models. the fgs come with a 26cc instead of 23 and that helps but with the stock can and stock clutch they too lag terribly.