hobbythek ordering

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yea shipping is crap from Germany, but it may be much better from Raco in Austria. i contacted Raco last fall for some Bergonzoni parts, parts were about 120 and shipping was like 18 or so. what are you needing. I still need to get a new piston/ring and maybe a new head for my Berg, plus i would like to get a few other items from them, like some of the clearanced tires or what not.
i want a couple of the carson fail safes. i have ordered from the netherlands and shipping is pretty cheap there also.
not sure if Wolfgang can get/has carson stuff, but hes got a full line of Bergs, FGs, Harms so maybe one of those would work.


you NEED the forward slash
I know some of the parts i need. im setting at a minimum of 70.00 without shipping atm. if i get the head then im at 110.00. take a look and see if you need anything. post back or anyone else, the bigger the order, maybe we can get a discount for purchases too!
When I order from Hobbythek I try to buy as much as I can force myself to need :) so as to amortize the shipping over as many items as possible. My last order was a couple Alfa 156 bodies to start with, so I added a set of mounted tires and a DVD and some other little bits 'n bobs. I've always found the Hobbythek guys 'n gals to be quick, thorough, and courteous. I'm about to order another batch, but I'm in Canada so I can't really be of any help to you todd217, sorry. It looks like there are other sources you can look into though, so good hunting!
I order from Hobbytek as well. They are super fast. same deal, if I need small stuff I order in country... but I love their selections of bodies. 4wd conversion is my next splurge from them.
I use Krikke in Holland, as He ships outside the EU without VAT/Tax/MwSt.

He doesn't stock as much as Hobbythek, and prices are not always as good, but mostly they are, specielly when you can subtract the 19% VAT.