How 'bout a 4 stroke Powerplant Project?!

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Southern Oregon
I have this 4 stroke weedwacker by TORO and that thing has gobs of low end torque and it runs just fantastically.
It starts easy every time, had it for four years now and not a darn thing wrong with it.
What do you gear heads think about coming up with some sort of chassis and drivetrain to put a small fourstroke into?:helpsmilie:
I think you can't beat the reliabililty of a fourstroke engine.
i think its a matter of size and wieght vs hp you have to basically double your displacement to get equal power with a 4 stroke and your gearing will be important as 2strokes rev much higher generally
I,ve seen 4 stroke 1/8th scale buggy conversions i think they run .46 as opposed to a .21 and they gear them up. The 4 strokes have a better bottom end and smoother powerband but have a hard time keeping on the long streches, 4 strokes are cleaner more efficient motors but for cheap light wieght power its 2 stroke.. but i ,m not saying its not possibe, it would be interesting to see what you could do to make more power from a litte 4 stroke
You wouldnt want a four stroke in your largescale. they don't take to bolts on half as well as a two stroke would.. a simple pipe would probally do nothing for it but make more noise. plus us two stroke guy's have reed poting!