los angeles

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Hey Marderbeet!
Have been out to SV?
8295 Tujunga Ave. Sun Valley, CA 91352
The track definately is big enough for the large scales.
There are "SUPPOSED to" have club races everyweek but not enough show up everyweek.
That being said the Baja's may loose the priviledge to race or run there.
Would you be intrested to come out and race??
When I am back home in LA I will let you guys know when I am going. I know I said I would go before but I had problems with receiver pack and could not get it resolved for a couple of weeks. I swear it had nothing to do with me not wanting to race a stock SS in the modified class against super hoped up Baja's :no:
The Baja SS is looking good now and is ready to race and bash.