I know this has been discussed into the ground (over at hpibajaforum and a little bit here), but I need some sort of additional reassurance....
I run a Baja with everything stock (except for an X-Can). Today, I melted a spur gear.
Any reason why this would happen? I am only on my 6th tank through this thing. I run with the gear cover on.
I was running through 2-3 inch tall grass and jumping a few feet in the air (onto grass). Could the taller grass overheat the clutch/pinion to cause the spur to melt? I'm guessing that was it because it was running like a bat out of hell until the last jump.
One more question, should I just replace the plastic spur with the Robinson steel spur gear?
I am going to replace the plastic carrier with the billet clutch bell carrier sometime this winter, the clutch bell with the turtle steel clutch bell, and the turtle billet diff saver. Anything else I should look at getting besides a pinion heatsink? I'm not looking for more speed from this thing, I love the way it runs as is.
I run a Baja with everything stock (except for an X-Can). Today, I melted a spur gear.
Any reason why this would happen? I am only on my 6th tank through this thing. I run with the gear cover on.
I was running through 2-3 inch tall grass and jumping a few feet in the air (onto grass). Could the taller grass overheat the clutch/pinion to cause the spur to melt? I'm guessing that was it because it was running like a bat out of hell until the last jump.
One more question, should I just replace the plastic spur with the Robinson steel spur gear?
I am going to replace the plastic carrier with the billet clutch bell carrier sometime this winter, the clutch bell with the turtle steel clutch bell, and the turtle billet diff saver. Anything else I should look at getting besides a pinion heatsink? I'm not looking for more speed from this thing, I love the way it runs as is.