Missing screw on FG Truck

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Well I was about to take the FG Truck out and before hand I was looking it over for any backed out or missing screws and I found one missing one...


Problem is I can't find a part number for this screw or any info on so I can go buy a replacement one.

Anyone know?

Top of my head michael you can use a M4 cap head in there it goes down into the servo saver correct? just buy your self a screw kit i belive fast eddy has good kits just make sure it's a good length! you need to keep checking them and keep a eye on the bulk head screws
Thanks Marder, I had plans on getting a screw kit from FastEddy just for this reason - as backup.

From what I have written down in my notes it is a 9/16 long which I think turns into 15MM x 4MM. Anything longer and you will have to file it down to fit.
You will want to check that it is not broken off inside. And reinstall with blue locktight.
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Thanks for the info. I'm heading to the hardware store now to hold me over until I get a screw kit from TeamFastEddy. I did btw look and it doesn't look like the screw is broken off inside. I thought it was plastic all the way through thus the reason I didn't use blue locktite but now looking in it I see there is metal.


i had the same thing happen back when mine was new. i put a little ca on it and has never backed out again. it also did it on the front hubs.
I just looked at mine after taking it out yesterday and it is gone, too! Isn't there another screw that holds this in place from the underside..through the chassis? I am missing that one too!!! What was your fix WoodiE?
isnt that going into plastic? if it is, you d wouldnt want to use locktite as it will soften the plastic i heard.
I just looked at mine after taking it out yesterday and it is gone, too! Isn't there another screw that holds this in place from the underside..through the chassis? I am missing that one too!!! What was your fix WoodiE?

I just went to a local hardware store and purchased a few 15mm x 4mm screws and used a little locktite and it's been good to go since.


Thanks for the link, however this is the same manual that comes with the truck and the same manual that doesn't give a part number or show the screw needed.
