Motor for MCD Monster Truck

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I need Some Help

I’m getting a new MCD Monster Truck.

What power plant to stick in it.

Zenoah 27.2cc Reed Ported motor
CY 30.5cc Reed Ported motor

Jetpro Tuned Pipe Silenced
Samba Tuned Pipe Unsilenced

I’ve read that the Zenoah has more Power / Torque than the CY.

Which pipe would best suit??

Any got any thoughts??

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I went with the 28.5 in both of my mcd trucks with stuffed crank and they both have very good low and top end power---monster and Baja 1000 are the trucks I own
thanks for your help,

what about a ESP Fully Ported 30.5cc CY or the Reed Ported 30.5cc CY. which has more power??
I have the 30.5 ESP Stuffed and ported. Great engine with one exception, order a copper head gasket and replace before you ever run the engine. The paper gasket will blow out fairly quickly. Other wise excelent engine. I am also running the JatPro pipe also great.
I'd go 27.2cc reed ported Zenoah in a Baja 1000 or Race runner
I'd go with the 30.5cc reed ported CY in a MT.
+2 to what PoweSlideRacing and pro5thscale said. The Samba pipe is good, but if you can manage to get hold of the RN Magic Bullet pipe you wil get power beyond youre dreams.
If you're buying a MCD MT you want and you need power. The only alternative u have is the REED ported 30,5 with REED no questions asked!
29cc Head kit

I need Some Help

I’m getting a new MCD Monster Truck.

What power plant to stick in it.

Zenoah 27.2cc Reed Ported motor
CY 30.5cc Reed Ported motor

Jetpro Tuned Pipe Silenced
Samba Tuned Pipe Unsilenced

I’ve read that the Zenoah has more Power / Torque than the CY.

Which pipe would best suit??

Any got any thoughts??

Hi How are you, ive recently transplanted a 29cc head kit motor from , the power difference is almost unbelievable, im using the Factory Fs tuned pipe with this motor, and its up over 5.5hp now, runs like a charm, really responsive, hopefully this helps out, the Jetpro Pipe ive heard is really good as well, but haven't personally tried that one, the cheapie fs version seems to do the job, go FS Beasts
im using the Factory Fs tuned pipe with this motor, and its up over 5.5hp now, runs like a charm, really responsive,

So how do you know its up over 5.5 HP? Have you had it on the dyno?

Another option are our new engines, the billet case clears the center driveline so no modifications are required to the case for clearance like the Zen or CY cases.

The "Torque Monster" is perfect for the MCDs, I have one in my Baja 1000, and it does a good job moving that tank around.

Check them out here-
So how do you know its up over 5.5 HP? Have you had it on the dyno?

Another option are our new engines, the billet case clears the center driveline so no modifications are required to the case for clearance like the Zen or CY cases.

The "Torque Monster" is perfect for the MCDs, I have one in my Baja 1000, and it does a good job moving that tank around.

Check them out here-

Yes, those are some sexy engines.

As for "bigger is better" I am a solid "NO" bigger displacemant=lower rpm, a 26cc Zenoah installed with a Jetpro or Samba with the correct gearing is a awsome setup.
Yup, I am still amazed that everyone thinks these 30.5 engines are the end all to the engine power issue, when in fact, I think they are just way more hassle for what you get.

Our Beast engine is making about 6.6hp and 2.4 lbs/torque and is still a 26cc, so there is no loss of RPM. I have yet to see a 30.5 make that kinda power, not saying its not possible, but I have not seen any dyno printouts of it.

I think a well built (and well designed ported 26) is the way to go. Our Torque Monster is in fact using a 1mm crank, but this is an inexpensive way to get more torque, and keep the price down, its still no match for the Beast, but great value for the buck.
Yup, I am still amazed that everyone thinks these 30.5 engines are the end all to the engine power issue, when in fact, I think they are just way more hassle for what you get.

Our Beast engine is making about 6.6hp and 2.4 lbs/torque and is still a 26cc, so there is no loss of RPM. I have yet to see a 30.5 make that kinda power, not saying its not possible, but I have not seen any dyno printouts of it.

I think a well built (and well designed ported 26) is the way to go. Our Torque Monster is in fact using a 1mm crank, but this is an inexpensive way to get more torque, and keep the price down, its still no match for the Beast, but great value for the buck.

^^ DS, what is coming in the mail for me?^^
Yup, I am still amazed that everyone thinks these 30.5 engines are the end all to the engine power issue, when in fact, I think they are just way more hassle for what you get.

Our Beast engine is making about 6.6hp and 2.4 lbs/torque and is still a 26cc, so there is no loss of RPM. I have yet to see a 30.5 make that kinda power, not saying its not possible, but I have not seen any dyno printouts of it.

I think a well built (and well designed ported 26) is the way to go. Our Torque Monster is in fact using a 1mm crank, but this is an inexpensive way to get more torque, and keep the price down, its still no match for the Beast, but great value for the buck.

If the 30.5 is will designed it will deliver moor power than your 26. But as you stated it is a cheap upgrade.
In a truck with big wheels & tiers I will like all the torque I can get. If I wanted moor speed I can play around with the gear ratios.
I have yet to see a 30.5 make more power than say, a CC Promod 26, or our "Beast", the best I have seen out of one still falls short of that number.

The "Torque Monster" engine that is built for us by CC Racing, is using a 1mm stroker, and is a "less expensive" way to get more torque, but the Beast engines are making as much if not more than a Promod at 6.6-6.7 HP with 2.4 ft./lbs

The BEST i have currently seen out of a 30.5 is 5.5 HP and 2.3 ft/lbs, so not much less torque, but 1 hp less, but again taking into consideration the displacement difference, that's quite a bit.

I think a lot of people like to believe that the 30.5's make more power, just because its a larger displacement, or because they bought one and need to justify the amount of money they spent on it, or whatever, but as I have said, I have not seen one make more power yet.
If no one have given the 30.5 any interest in developing it, it dos not mean it will not make moor power than a 26.
How much it will cost is a deferent issue.
What I mean is the more you put are/fuel in a combustion chamber the more power you should get. To do that you need to design the engine to work with the extra charge and optimize it for it. Don’t for get that the engines that RC cares use are designed for 23 & 26 displacements, and optimized for that.
Things like timing, Exhaust & Intake ports, transfer ports, Combustion camber design… al must be designed for the required displacement.
There is a big deferens between 23-26 and 30.5