Mounting the New Bright Hummer Body

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Well-Known Member
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Chandler, AZ
Here is how I mounted my New Bright Hummer body to the FG Monster Beetle. I used some aluminum rod,a dn drilled out the ends. Then screwed them onto a flat piece of aluminum. Then used Some contruction glue to hold it all together. Beat the crap out of it, and only cost about $25 plus labor to mount it.


I beat the crap out of it driving it. It lasted a long time. The plastic is pretty strong on it. The only thing that had problems was the thin chrome strips for the bling factor.
Was it $25 for the mounting parts only? Did you have to pay $100 for the 'donor' car?

My son has a cool plastic dump truck (named 'Mr. Truck') that is a great size for my Firehammer. I am waiting for the day that Mr. Truck is 'for babies' and I can hack away at it. I guess I could just go buy another at Target for $10, too. :p