My Baja will be here in 2 more days, Just a few Qs

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Sonoma County CA
Does it come with 2 cycle oil in the box?
If so, is it any good?

Im still a bit confused as to what mixture ratio to use and when to change the ratio.

No engine brake in period? Just gas her up and go like hell?
This goes against everything I have learned in 25 years of Nitro RC.

Go to a motorcycle store and buy good 2 cycle oil. Start off with 25:1 for the first gallon,a nd go from there, up to a max of 40:1. There is no break in period, but the rings start to seat after 2-3 hours. Then the pwoer comes on stronger. By then you shoud have an x-can or tuned pipe ready to fit.
Ill go make the rounds here in town to see whats available. There is a great bike shop and a small engine repair place that builds competition chain saws :D Pretty cool poop. Ill pick their brains and make a choice. I don't want to trust just any old brand from K-Mart

Wednesday just cant come soon enough.
My LHS told me to use lawnboy 2 cycle oil from Sears for the first gallon. They were pretty insistent on that. So anyhow thats what I used, and it worked well.

congrats by the way....aint you suppose to hand out cigars er sumpthin?
Eddy there are so many good oils out there just as USA said go to the motorcycle shop and get a good quality synthetic 2 stroke oil make sure its not injector oil.As far as break in just start it up warm the enginge real good and drive around kinda easy for about 15-20min then check everything out and give it hell.Its better to break in a 2-stroke hard.Its better for the rings to do a fast break in as there will be less blow by at the rings.The longer you take to break it in the more blow by the rings produce causing them to collect more build up later on down the road.The Baja comes with some minerail based oil its ok to use but I wouldnt.Some say not to use synthetic to break it in but its bs I have broke in every 2 stroke Ive owned in the past 12 yrs with my oil that I run all the time(Bel-Ray)and never had a problem.I ran 25:1 for the first tank and then went right to 40:1.I would not go 40:1 unless you are very sure your oil can handle it.They are not all the same all have different burn rates and lube quaility.The oil is the only thing lubing the cylinder so make sure its the best you can find.
It takes a little while for these little motors to loosen up the more you run it the better it seems to get.
Great to hear your Baja is on the way your going to love it.
I use our good outboard oil at work ,its great stuff, then i use amsoil 100 to 1 and mix it 32 to 1. Haven't had any trouble yet.
I to use Amsoil . I read on one of the Baja forums awhile ago that someone was saying to stay away from marine 2 stroke oil . Something to the effect that its not designed for higher rpm engines . I don't know if the person was right or not but some agreed with him. Oh and Eddy ..... One more sleep !
Tomorrow it comes!!
The only issue is the Wednesday is race night so Ill have to look at the box all day then think about it sitting in my shop while Im racing. i know now, Im going to get toasted due to the lack of concentration. Only 2 races left in the points series and Im close to loosing my 3rd place spot. Not good timing.
I to use Amsoil . I read on one of the Baja forums awhile ago that someone was saying to stay away from marine 2 stroke oil . Something to the effect that its not designed for higher rpm engines . I don't know if the person was right or not but some agreed with him. Oh and Eddy ..... One more sleep !

Yea, i read that also, infact i probably started it. I use BRP oil only, not that sunoco/walmart crap. I have been using it for 20 years through 1000s of outboards, mowers, weedeaters, snowmobiles, chainsaws, and the list goes on. I don't generally stay on the upper end of the RPM range with my RCs, really no need to, unless ur racing. But i also us the Amsoil. It 2 is good stuff. But i guess to each his own.
Tomorrow it comes!!
The only issue is the Wednesday is race night so Ill have to look at the box all day then think about it sitting in my shop while Im racing. i know now, Im going to get toasted due to the lack of concentration. Only 2 races left in the points series and Im close to loosing my 3rd place spot. Not good timing.

Looking at the box can be fun too though!:)
Today is the day!
I woke up early in anticipation. Im a grown man but it feels like im 5 yo and Santa is coming. Now the torture begins. UPS comes first thing in the AM but they sent it Fed-X. They don't have a set time. Could come at 10: or all the way till 4: pm. Waaaa.......
don't wear any holes in the floor and don't forget to get the nose prints off the window before the wifey see's them lol.I bet its tore down by dinner time hey eddy.
Well Im at the retail store gazing out the window......
I see a DHL truck and UPS is delivering a few shops down but no FedX. Ill be OK.

I would truly love to be able to dig into it tonight but Im racing after work till 9:00. Ill have a bit of time to unpack it and make my mark but no tool time. Im sure ill be better once I have it in hand.
Thats what I was like when I won mine . I was asking every delivery service if they had a package for me . Then it showed up at my house via postal service..The only place I didnt check. Im sure you will enjoy it. It draws a crowd when you start it up. Be careful with the front shock shafts. Mine seemed to break really easy. Well I guess it wasnt that easy as Im sure you saw the short video on RCNT.
Thats what I was like when I won mine . I was asking every delivery service if they had a package for me . Then it showed up at my house via postal service..The only place I didnt check. Im sure you will enjoy it. It draws a crowd when you start it up. Be careful with the front shock shafts. Mine seemed to break really easy. Well I guess it wasnt that easy as Im sure you saw the short video on RCNT.

How did you win one? I never saw any contests but I'm kinda sheltered,,,,,, for good reason!:helpsmilie:
Not to hijack Eddy's thread but I bought tickets for a raffle on RCNitroTalk . I was the lucky winner . Made my month to. I never win anything . I had just joined the site not too long before I won to . Needless to say Ive been there ever since .