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screamin chicken

Well-Known Member
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In the South
I charged my FG Stadium last night and left it on trickle, got up this morning and cranked it up and ran it for about 5-10 minutes in the back yard in the dirt and then I lost all control, the remote had plenty of juice, and the truck took off by itself but really slow, like it had brakes, by the time I stopped it to cut it off the clutch was very hot. The only thing thats different is I changed out the rear tires with the Monster Truck tire and rim.
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You just haven't found "That" person who can help...anyway, from what I've come to understand, clutches can get hot when there's lots of load (maybe the larger wheels, binding brakes), they're driven at a speed where they're just on the brink of engaging, or they're wearing out. How old is the truck, are the clutch pads worn out, how's the bell look. After looking at that I'd make sure my servos all function properly (mostly the throttle/brake in your case) and then see if the brakes are binding (are they cable or hydraulic)?

Lots of questions, now time for you to help us by giving us some answers! :)
Well the truck is about 6 months old and I may have use 3 tanks. I did have to take the motor out because of a broken bolt in the large motor mount, once it was all put back together it did idle really hi so I tuned it, then ran it for a few minutes and then lost signal and I could smell the clutch.....
I charged my FG Stadium last night and left it on trickle, got up this morning and cranked it up and ran it for about 5-10 minutes in the back yard in the dirt and then I lost all control,
Are you saying you loost radio signal and had no control?

the remote had plenty of juice, and the truck took off by itself but really slow, like it had brakes, by the time I stopped it to cut it off the clutch was very hot. The only thing thats different is I changed out the rear tires with the Monster Truck tire and rim.
The clutch bell will get hot normally but you may want to check that the clutch spring is not broken, I think you are saying it goes by itself right?
hi have you checked the fail safe that can allso cause problems and check the bolt that keeps clutch shoes in place might of broken off hope that helps
I disconnected my Venom failsafe from the reciever because my DX 3.0 started acting up. I then programmed my DX 2.0 and as soon as I would crank it the Venom would turn on and it would shut down, that is why I disconnected it, so until I get my DX 3.0 back I am running without it. I will check things this weekend and let you guys know what I find. I did just go out and by hand turned the rear tires and it seem to be fine, but I hold the Clutch Bell the rear tires still move, is this normal or is my Clutch gone.
I disconnected my Venom failsafe from the reciever because my DX 3.0 started acting up. I then programmed my DX 2.0 and as soon as I would crank it the Venom would turn on and it would shut down, that is why I disconnected it, so until I get my DX 3.0 back I am running without it.

Why are you running the extra fail-safe and not using the built in Spektrum one?

I will check things this weekend and let you guys know what I find. I did just go out and by hand turned the rear tires and it seem to be fine, but I hold the Clutch Bell the rear tires still move, is this normal or is my Clutch gone.

If you are holding the clutch bell and the tires still move either you melted out the pinion if plastic, spun the grubs on the pinion if metal or the grubs on your wheel squares have rounded and you need to remove them file them flat and reinstall using blue locktight.
I have lost signal before , so I bought the venom. Does the Spectrum come from the factory with the fail safe on. I have the Metal gears, and grubs and just check the wheels all of it checked out. I did try holding the Clutch Bell and try turning the gears and they stayed engaged, I will try it in the morning and see what happens....
Does the Spectrum come from the factory with the fail safe on.

No, when you bind it you need to set your servos to FS position. Try re-binding it and hold the trottle 1/2-3/4 to brake and when the light stays on and stopps blinking the servo will go back to nutural, turn off the controller and it will kick into FS mode.
Thanks I will try that. I just went outside and cranked it and it ran fine, I think my throttle linkage may be sticking, and it also may need to re adjust. Any ideas on how it's suppose to be adjusted......