New HPI Baja Community Wiki is LIVE!

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Reaction score
Angel, London

I've created a new reference site which I hope all Baja owners will come to and use. As it's wiki based it means YOU, yes YOU can help the site by adding your own pages, uploading pictures or updating existing pages with additional text or images.

It's located here, add it to your bookmarks/favorites now!

I'm in the process of populating the site with articles, pictures, reviews, tips, links and so on. Keep your eye on it as it's filling up with great information fast! Feel free to subscribe to pages to get notification of changes to pages as they happen, there's even an RSS feed too.

If you are a manufacturer of Baja hop-ups or you run a shop please add yourself to the site (it's free!) in the appropriate section. Sections you might be interested in maintaining or keeping an eye on are Shops, Manufacturers and Hop-Ups.

The site is a non-commercial site.

It is NOT intended to compete with this site, or any other forum site. It's purely for reference, not discussion.

If you post on this site, and would like to specifically grant me a license to use your post text and images on the site then please add your name to this list, or just send me a PM.

Please check the site out, and provide feedback or comments here or on the site itself, here:

Many thanks for taking the time to read this, I look forward to seeing how the site progresses with YOUR help!


Hydra / Dom