New orders of the SS

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Anyone hear when they are expecting the next orders of the SS.
I ordered mine from daves with the discount.
someone on HBF said their LHS said middle of the month maybe end.

seems these units are on that same slow boat from china as the RTR were when first released. lol
Keep an eye on ebay - I just picked up a brand new SS from a hobby shop last week for a pretty good price. The shop was one of few that got a decent order in, something like 30 or so SS.

nobody has them right now. however phils hobby online seems to have the best price and theyre taking pre-orders. i got my ss there a few months back. they ship very quick too! its no slow boat from china........... everyones gotten there tax checks back and bought them all, we all know how that goes! glad i got my baja before they all sold out!
Daves should be getting a batch next week
Man I hope so:) the only other place to have them only has 2 in stock and they want $919 plus shipping......

I'm already having to make payments on my CC for the SS I purchased at Daves.
It would be nice to have the buggy to play with

however phils hobby online seems to have the best price and theyre taking pre-orders
Daves is about $50 less than phils:2guns:
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Thats funny cause DDM said that they don't charge anybody until its shipped. your not the first one i heard this happened to!!

We don't charge credit cards for pre-orders. But if you pay with PayPal, Paypal takes the funds from your card at the time of the order. Has nothing to do with us.
I recieved my SS today......Thanks Daves

I'm a night owl.. so tongiht I'm starting the build.
my dad just got one to race with me and i know that rc car kings sells them for 50 dollars cheeper than DDM, just an fyi, i don't think it maters