Paint Removal - With what??

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Well I had to try every chemical known to our kitchen sink and see what it could do. The only shock is the one I put on my skin every summer and fall is the one that did it! Yup, mosquito spray you know for repelling that 2nd Minnesota bird we have. I was shocked at what it did to the paint on the Baja body and have an unsure feeling about what it does to our bodies. Here is the scoop, it took the paint off with a little elbow grease and for you spray and wipe people it wont work that way. Spray it on wait some time (about 1hr) and it will start to eat away the white covering paint and from there you can wipe it off with a cloth or paper towel and scrub with a tooth brush. The paint is gooey and will get all over and I recommend gloves.

Bad side: I noticed that in the stressed and hairline crack areas it cracked it more, is it the removed paint not holding it together as well, could it be the constant wiggling around when scrubbing or is it a chemical reaction that is causing the body to become more brittle in those areas? Not sure but I was not using this body due to the stock color and if it doesn’t work I’m not out anything.
I AM NOT RECOMMENDING THIS TO ANYONE – In other words do this at your own risk and don’t blame me for any damage to your body. For now I will try painting the body and see how it bonds.
Just wanted to show you a different side to that just spray on and the bugs will leave you alone bug spray. Ya, I can hear them now, stay away from that guy he smells like burnt skin. (LOL)






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bug spray

Just make sure you clean it all off and the paint should stick just find. When doing the final cleaning use gloves to keep the oil in your skin off or it will not come out as good.
BtB: If I send you my orange 5b body, will you strip that thing down, clean it up, and send it back?

I did the same thing to a Tamiya Boomerang body years ago. I used what I think was non-acetone nail polish remover (maybe it was acetone). I didn't have one crack in the body though.
I was just thinking, does brake fluid work? I've never tried it on lexan. I used to use it to strip paint off of model cars with no damage.

I may try that sometime.
I have a bottle from work right now I'm gong to try putting some on my brown (Was to be Candy Red) Fg body when I get home and see.:)
I was looking over Hobbythek’s web site and came across what Carson Pain Killer. It says it will “Removes any polycarbonate and acrylic paints from body shells, diecast and plastic models without damaging the base material”. I haven’t tried it and I don’t know if it actually works but thought it would be an appropriate link for this thread.,showdetail,,e,,,cs_908113,,,.htm
I think that's the same stuff 654 is talking about earlier in this thread, bugger I just did an order from Hobbytek yesterday and could have tagged a bottle of this on top.