Piston port vs reed valves

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piston port uses the piston to start and stop the intake process. while a reed has the piston and cylinder modified so the intake is always open in the engine. the intake is now controlled by the reed allowing more fuel/air in. check out http://www.hostilehobby.com/ they have 27.2 and 30.5 bbk already ported for a reed for 75 bucks.
theres not alot of info here, but if you head to the sister site of www.hpibajaforum.com and do a search, you ll find a Shitload of posts on them.

Todd is correct in his statement. the bennefits of a reed are typically more obtainable and Useable RPM Range, More Torque when compared to the same cc motor in a pp variety, and best of all, faster, smoother spool up. the one down side is a reed setup will likely use the gas faster, so you wont get as long of run time out of a tank of fuel, but its worth the trade off if you ask me.