Yesterday, while cleaning the pull start I accidently managed to release the pull start spring. Not too long ago I saw a web page with pictures and instructions how to reassemble the pull starter in such a case. Now when I'd need the page I can't seem to find it! I don't remember if it was located on this forum, on hpibajaformum or somewhere else. If someone should know the page I mean I would appreciate very much a link there. And any other advise on my issue would be greatly appreciated too, of course.
Yesterday, while cleaning the pull start I accidently managed to release the pull start spring. Not too long ago I saw a web page with pictures and instructions how to reassemble the pull starter in such a case. Now when I'd need the page I can't seem to find it! I don't remember if it was located on this forum, on hpibajaformum or somewhere else. If someone should know the page I mean I would appreciate very much a link there. And any other advise on my issue would be greatly appreciated too, of course.
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