Ricky dirt bike turned into 3 wheeler

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NW Indiana
Here is a Radio Shack Ricky C. dirt bike I converted into a three wheeler. It's powered by a Mamba Max 7700kv motor and runs on a two cell lipo.




Thanks guys, I can't wait till the weather warms up so I can try it out. It will be going to the sand pit when we run the Bajas.
Thanks for the comments guys, it makes the projects more worth the time spent on them.

phatdad- :no: I don't think any axle is THAT strong :)

TurtleRacing- Dammit you made me look for a stool and a lot of it is covered
by her awesome love handles.....eeeeewww :no:
Thanks for the comments guys, it makes the projects more worth the time spent on them.

phatdad- :no: I don't think any axle is THAT strong :)

TurtleRacing- Dammit you made me look for a stool and a lot of it is covered
by her awesome love handles.....eeeeewww :no:

TRy to sleep w/that visual now!!!:nono: :no:

AS always mod, nice job!!
so your milling manualy not with cnc. Much respect for you man. I hope I can get there some day. I have heard bad things about harbor freight mills, but only from hardcore milling guys. Is it a good setup for the beginner.
I recently purchased a cnc mill and am slowly learning how to program and run it. I used the cnc mill for the rear wheels and wheel hubs.

The Harbor Freight mill does a great job and for the price they can't be beat. I only cut aluminum with it though but it was well worth the money.
OMG Your avatars just keep getting bigger :nono:
I never had any cnc experience until I got my own, and I learn something new everytime I use it. I still have a LOT to learn but I'm enjoying it. I've been a machinist for 18 years but only ran manual machines at my jobs.

I will warn you it's not easy to learn without machining or computer experience. But your good with computers so that will help some.