Scale Nitro Quad

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Well-Known Member
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NW Indiana
Well here's the scaled down quad I built. It took forever and a day to complete. I used the frame and suspension dimensions from my Yamaha Banshee and tried to make it as scale as possible. It's powered with an OS.18CV.



I love seeing that quad..I wish you would just sell it to me
I said it before and all say it again you got mad skills modifier.Very nice.

Speedy is going to be off crying for a while now.I mite have to join him in his little time out
dude thats awsome. i seen pitchers of it before but. im impressed with the amount of detail thats you have done to it. thats some mad skillz. way to go!!!
You'd better get us all some video of the quad running this spring/summer, or I'm going to make the trip up to Indiana and run it for you!
Oh... and you need some nerf bars on that quad with nets. Don't want Ricky to fall off and break his leg.
Thanks guys, General I will get video of it this summer and hopefully it won't take long to learn how to edit and post it.
Thanks, I used the rims,tires,bumper,grab bar and foot guards from a Radio Shack quad. Purchased the body, fuel tank, chain and sprockets, OS.18cv, shocks, bearings, screws, Ti hinge pins, and other small parts and made the rest.
I love seeing that quad..I wish you would just sell it to me
I said it before and all say it again you got mad skills modifier.Very nice.

Speedy is going to be off crying for a while now.I mite have to join him in his little time out

Modifier honestly, tell me. why do you do this to me.

Yama care to join me while i run?

hopefuly soon i can find myself a mill and lathe.

hate you soooo much!! :2guns:
Speedy I don't know why I do this to you, for that matter I don't know why I do a lot of the things I do.....Insanity maybe?

Don't hate the insane people :)
yea, its funny to poke them in the eye and run around screaming I am the God Of Hells