Selwa's new Supercross

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Milton,On CANADA
OK well it didn't take me too long to get back. I finally bit the bullet again and got myself this :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: It's so wide that the tires actually stick out past an on-road body!



It's got a Tonagawa and HS-645MG servo. Came with a Zenoah G260RC3
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Thanks Doug! She was upset but my charm managed to calm her down. Or maybe she knows she can't stay upset forever!

Yup nice that we both have the same buggies now! I think I'll paint it gunmetal and add some stickers to it. Not sure yet though.
Thanks! It's nice to be back!

As far as the engine, I found this response on RCTEK:
The designation "3" after the G230RC means the engine was delivered from the factory without clutch, air filter or exhaust.

If the cylinder does NOT have what looks like 2 pipes sticking out from near the base of the cylinder at the power take off side and does NOT have a rectangular block under the exhaust port then it will be the later version which is the better one.
If you look at the serial number on the label underneath where the G230RC3 number is the first digit denotes the year of manufacture so if the first digit is a 6 then the engine was made in 2006. If it is a 2006 or later then it will also have the modified "squish" and is the latest spec.
Thanks! Yup gonna get my friend to paint it for me. I was going to do the typical gunmetal I like but he's interested in doing some airbrushing. he has done a few with great results to.
Here my Hyper 7 Pro(gone now) and his Mugen.
Bought it from a friend. He still has a few largescale of his own including the Marjet! What a sweet buggy in person!!
ok guys I have a delema with the paint scheme. I know it will be gun metal but my issue is this. I can paint it all gun metal and use custom decals for the logo I want to use.


Have the logo airbrushed on with some decals added.

Painting it all now and using decals will get the body done quicker and if I choose to do something different later I can just peel off the logos.
If I have it airbrushed I need to take a good day to do this right if my friend is available.

What do you think???
This week should be fun! I've ordered a few things! Some KCR tractor tires on green 5 spoke rims, spiked tires on green solid dish rims, unbreakable rear black wing, pre-filter, filter and filter cover and some 4500mah cells to make 2packs.

The wheels will come in tomorrow! Fed-Ex tried to deliver them to the house but no one was home so I re-routed the shipment to my workplace. Go figure I'm off tomorrow!!

The rest will come through post. As long as I get it all before the weekend I'll be a happy camper!!

Not to mention my Hummer H1 will be back from getting an engine re-built....just don't ask how many thousands it cost!! :helpsmilie: :helpsmilie: :helpsmilie:
Here's some more pics. I decided to paint it gun metal and use decals. Quicker and less expensive! Maybe I can get a sponsorship! :cool2: :cool2:


