Super Alu Hop ups: Elcon Models

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Nuuk, Greenland
IMO the best hop ups for the FG line of cars is comming from dutch maker Elcon

I am running 100% Alu on my FG Leopard race, and 80% of the Alu is Elcon.
I have eplaced several FG Alu parts with Elcon Alu, and find that I like the design and fit f the Elcon parts better.
Also Most Elcon parts are not just copies of the FG parts, but improved in design and function.
Yeah I agree marder69...the the finsh is beautiful on the Elcon parts...I have the front end that FG-hopups sells and the finish is dull and a little off color (upper and lower arms are darker than bulk head) don't know if it is just as stong as Elcon..but it sure does look uglier.
elcon is top quality mate, i believe 'krikkie' parts are identical to elcon design/finish very good quality indeed
Ron Krikke bought the parts from Elcon when they were a small shop before they chose a name. He sells them in red/blue anodized as well as silver. I've used their stuff for years with no problems. Now I'm out of the hobby since I bought a H1 (Hummer - full size).

For those who what a comp car Elcon is coming out with their own car soon!
Elcon makes uprights for all the FG's. PM Chop Suey, he CNC'd a bunch that look very good.

unfortunatly we haven't seen Chopsuey around in a long while :(
i have called and talked with him but he said he's been very buzy ..
but yes i have a set of his uprights as well .. they are better machined and looking even then the elcon IMHO ... more threads , thicker walls ..
^^^ thats what i need... dude for real FG alloy sucks.. all the stuff i do have alloy on my truck is from CNR. rear and front upper controll arms.. and 1 crappy fg alloy upright on the right front now, i couldnt re-tap the left side anymore :o(... two peice uprights are asking for trouble!!
Yep, FG alloy is nothing more than alloy copies of the stock plastic part, no attempt to improve the design.
Elcon on the other hand have made the parts stronger and improved the design.
Take a look at the Elcon rear arms, they have made them hinged for extra strength whilst maintaining the adjustable toe in feature.:2guns:
Elcon on the other hand have made the parts stronger and improved the design.
Take a look at the Elcon rear arms, they have made them hinged for extra strength whilst maintaining the adjustable toe in feature.:2guns:

I do like that adjustable feature however the very first time Cougar did some jumps in his stadium truck after droping a few grand in Elcon alloy that very point where you make the adjustment snapped and the thing colapsed in a heap.

I think Monaroman captured it on film ..... oh here it is right at the end.:
I doubt FG alloy arms would have survived the same tumble, at any rate thats why Elcon offer the same arms as one peice so you have the choice, strength or strength with adjustability :clown:
(Elcon is generally cheaper to, by quite a bit on some items)
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