Tips before buying a rally car?

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In the woods
Is there something I'll have to replace at once on the car? I've heard that small rocks and dirt have easy access to gearwheels? What have you guys done about that? Is it an issue? How is the ground clearence? Does it have to be really smooth surface for it handle well? I'll probably do most of my driving off-road, but I already have a Marder and I have a soft-spot for rally. What do you think? Bad idea?

Hope you understand what I mean, my english kind of sucks...Feel free to correct my spelling:)

You can buy a RR like bodyshell that will keep dirt out
I have made the groudclearence with short shocks to about 48mm, but then the body looks wierd and it sits to high

since you from sweden i try wrighting to you in danish and see what happens

Man kan få et inderskjold som ligner lidt et RR karosseri, som kan holde snavsen ude.
ang om den kan køre offroad, så skal du nok ikke køre nogen steder hvor den skal hoppe.
jeg har fået min op på 48 mm i frihøjde med de korte dæmpere. men det så underligt ud pga. så er bærearmne trykket helt i bund.
Et bedre ide er at skifte til medium shocks som gir mere vandring offroad.
men kik forbi det er vel nordens største largescale shop, og han sender til sverige.
so, all & all you would say this is a good buy?
I'm a bit confused, seems to only sell the buggy. Do you have any other shops to rekomend in skandinavia, or for that matter anywhere if it's resonable shipping costs?
i cant say if the byggy is better for you, im happy with my rally has not everything on his website. But i have been there many times personaly, and i think he has the biggest selection of parts.
He has all the spareparts on the web. I was i the shop 3 days ago - and i know for a fact that he has 3 rallys and 1 RR

Try sending him a mail - you don't need to wright i english - swedish will do
Hej Lotus.

I think that you will need the below to become a happy MCD owner.

* A Zenoah engine (not CY)
* Steel gears (24, 25 or 23, 26)
* Mud protection cover, see
* A good pipe such as Mielke or Samba
*1 set of tarmac tires (I suggest slicks) and 1 set of offroad tires

Maybe also medium springs since the short ones must be set in a "stiff" mode to give the car enough ridehight for gravel practice.

You will have fun, I promise you!
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I'm gonna go for the gravel-version. And that guy from Norway seems to know what he's talking about. My order will have to know, christmas is a very expensive holiday.:)
Hej Lotus.

I think that you will need the below to become a happy MCD owner.

* A Zenoah engine (not CY)
* Steel gears (24, 25 or 23, 26)
* Mud protection cover, see
* A good pipe such as Mielke or Samba
*1 set of tarmac tires (I suggest slicks) and 1 set of offroad tires

Maybe also medium springs since the short ones must be set in a "stiff" mode to give the car enough ridehight for gravel practice.

You will have fun, I promise you!

What is so bad about the CY engine?
I'm gonna go for the gravel-version. And that guy from Norway seems to know what he's talking about. My order will have to know, christmas is a very expensive holiday.:)

Thank you so much Lotus......:)
CY has less power and lower top revs. (Standard)

The overall quality on the CY is lower but more imortant.... If you compare a standard CY and a standard Zenoah the CY has about 1hp less, lower top revs and less torque at lower revs.

We have made tests with 2 identical rallycars. One with CY and 1 with Zenoah. (both 26cc with standard pipes).
The diffenrence was big.

What is so bad about the CY engine?
The overall quality on the CY is lower but more imortant.... If you compare a standard CY and a standard Zenoah the CY has about 1hp less, lower top revs and less torque at lower revs.

We have made tests with 2 identical rallycars. One with CY and 1 with Zenoah. (both 26cc with standard pipes).
The diffenrence was big.

Hello Handsome............

I do not agree to this......:no:

If you gone compare a stock Zenoah and a stock CY, it have to be 23ccm and the 26ccm. Zenoah stop with stock engines at 26ccm.

So; The stock 26ccm from Zenoah have 2,8hp with a stock pipe, the CY have exactly the same.........just think hove it would be if you was correct; CY 26ccm with 1,8hp...""the car would not go forward"".....:lol:

But than again, not one engine is identic to another, it is allways litle bit difference between them. Maybe you had a verry good Zenoah, and a bad CY, but from factory the CY and Zenoah has exactly the same hp and rpm.

If you talk to any big company that have a great expertice on 2-T RC-engines, ( O`neill Brothers etc) they will tell you that CY and Zenoah is almoust identical engines. They have + and - bouth of them. It dos`nt mather witch one you thoose.......
It can also have allot to do with break in or should it be said age. If one is new and the other used the used or well broke in one will usually be looser and want to go smoother and quicker while the newer one is still stiff and wearing in. Plating is the big difference and that usually but not always shows in long term wear from what I hear and have seen.:)
I have personal experience of a CY ported 27.2, allegedly 4.3 hp, and a stock Zenoah G260RC.

The Zenoah raped the CY all through the power band and kept on revving long after the CY too. There is simply no comparison. HP means jack, it's all about torque and delivery. The Zenoah is in a different league. My guess egon, is that you never tried a Zen. It's the only reason I can think of for saying what you say.
I have personal experience of a CY ported 27.2, allegedly 4.3 hp, and a stock Zenoah G260RC.

The Zenoah raped the CY all through the power band and kept on revving long after the CY too. There is simply no comparison. HP means jack, it's all about torque and delivery. The Zenoah is in a different league. My guess egon, is that you never tried a Zen. It's the only reason I can think of for saying what you say.


Think I do......

This is my company, please take a look......

(sorry that the introduction is only on norwegian, but it say that RC-Racing is the worlds biggest dealer and importer for O`neill Brother`s tuningengines.....)


It is realy rear with a CY 27,2cc, CY have their own stock 27cc, the moust normal thing to do is to port this 35mm engine. Maby you ment 27cc?
To get 27,2 you need a 34mm cylinder (26cc) with a +2mm stroker, this will get you 27,2cc.....I think that 90% of all people/companys that port engines, would use a Zenoah cylinder and a CY piston when they make a 27,2cc..........

You are correct on one thing, HP means Jack..:)

Personly I prefear Zenoah, this is, without questions, the best cylinder...... to bad they stop on 34mm (26cc)....
You're right it's a 36mm head. My mistake. I apologise for inferring that you were inexperienced, clearly you are not. I see that we're basically on the same page. It's only Zen for me from now on, that's all I was meaning to say. :)
I'll say it!
Dealers and shops sell and recommend the CY because there is more room in the pricing to make money.
It all comes down to profit margin.
They are not in any way performance comparable.
I sell the CY stuff as well as Zenoah and always tell my customers don't be fooled by the looks or cheaper price or bigger displacement ,go Zenoah.
There isn't a big enough profit margin in the Zenoah stuff ,thats why most dealers don't push them over the CY brand.

Just my 2 cents and the truth
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I also have the same experience comparing CY vs Zenoah. My friend bought a CY 29 CC and my Zenoah 26 (stock) was a lot faster all over the rev range. Both of us used the same gearing on your FG MT.