Upgrade Frustration!!!

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Grand Cayman
Hi guys, well after much fun and bashing around with the MT its time to upgrade.
I damaged the diff by constant wheelies and hard acceleration and it just could not handle it.
I'm thinking of getting the Elcon diff but you also need the raised diff mounts and the balldrive axles and shafts, while I'm at it, I'll also purchase the drivetrain and small engine mount.
My problem is, a couple of the parts I need also require additional parts in order to work,(looks like you need to buy the complete elcon catalog in order to get your vehicle running.) Can I just bolts these parts up and go? And if any, what are some problems to look out for when installing?
I would like to get all parts and hardware in one shot as shipping to the islands can get expensive.
I'm open to any and all suggestions.
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seems to me you got your shet together for your purchace .. you have too ad the lay shaft gear to it as well because the fixed engine mount from elcon requires there layshaft gear being a tiny bit different being theres no adjustment in that unit ..
Sorry to hear and good luck with it also !
Oh forgot.. If the diff supports are raised wouldnt that require the use of the raised rear uprights aswell? Or can it be run without them for now?

Thanks again
once you go elcon, there's no turning back.
if you haven't ordered yet, don't.
just buy an upgraded diff if that's all you need.

no, you will need the raised rear uprights.
Yup the diff is all I need but wanted to add some bling aswell but I guess not, not if I have buy a grand worth of parts just to get it running again. Its a good thing cuz the dealer is waiting on an elcon shipment to arrive.
I really like the truck but over the past year when I bought it brand new its had maybe five tanks total through it.ill just order the aluminum diff housing if their even in stock. Man... I'm thinking of going Japanese tech instead parts are everywhere imo.
Sorry for ranting, I'll leave it at that.
Thank you guys for the help great forum.
I take it the plastic diff housing went to heck? Are all the gears ok? If all is good then yes the alloy diff case is good and you will want to also get the stainless diff cover like this one: http://www.davesmotors.com/store/product1841.html (ms290) I believe the alloy case comes with another aluminum sleeve. Make sure since its apart to follow this tutorial and add the silicone.



I would recommend adding a couple outdrives. http://www.rcnutshobbies.com/FG_PARTS_06000_06500-Diff_driving_axle_pluggable_1pce.html (6069/1)
When I ordered the replacment shocks I also got the steel diff cover and did the diff rebuild like in the tutorial but I can't get the cover off the diff to check inside (due to silicone) and I don't want to damage it just in case. What happens is when I apply throttle the engine revs high and it takes off real slow. If I hold the truck and apply the throttle you can see the diff spinning but no power gets to the wheels.
Everything feels smooth when I turn the drives by hand.
If the diff is spinning are the out drives and shafts spinning? If all is spinning but the wheels are not then you have spun a wheel square grub and need to refile it flat and retighten. File the grub untill the hole is gone and the end is flat.
Check that hope it's the problem - Cheap fix.

If you need to get the diff cover off it should spin off with some force, but not enough to wreck anything. Make sure you removed the set screw.


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If the diff is spinning are the out drives and shafts spinning? If all is spinning but the wheels are not then you have spun a wheel square grub and need to refile it flat and retighten. File the grub untill the hole is gone and the end is flat.
Check that hope it's the problem - Cheap fix.

If you need to get the diff cover off it should spin off with some force, but not enough to wreck anything. Make sure you removed the set screw.

Wow don't I feel stupid! Got home a little earlier from work today and decided to check the truck really good. When trying to see what was going on before it was a little dark so couldnt see very well. Started the truck and applied throttle and noticed the right axle spinning, took off the wheel and guess what? The grub screws were slightly loose, tightened them, and everthing is good to go.
I'm still gonna get the alloy diff housing though just for peace of mind.
