Well shes up and running and alsomt broken in!

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Reaction score
I gotta say i've had a few different RC vehicles in my time in the hobby and this MCD Truck if by far the best fun yet...

For a big beast i think it handles very well, with 2 Hitech 5745 steering servos, i found the steering very good and the 30.5 engine rocks even though it running rich as.

Once set right the beast brakes very well those big arsed tyres grip like nothing else and dig in when needed

The shocks suck up the bumps very well, over all, im very pleased with this struck and i know its a whole different beast but i am enjoying it allot more than my Baja5b, and yes it costs a hell of allot more but worth every penny...

Now to find something i can get some air off.....
Can't believe you guys haven't had a get together yet, theres a few baja nuts from down there as well. Get some pics or video when you do, especially of chop chops monster flying!
Yep those MCD MT's are brutal! I've got a dodgy radio in mine so havn't run it much but with a 29 its way faster than I was expecting for something so big and heavy.