xrc2 buggy help please

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hi all just got into this fantastic hobby i got a xrc2 buggy nice and cheap to start with

anyways the spur gear and pinion gear are plastic can these be chabged for the metal ones as ive looked at fg ones and they look very simular cheers all
not sure, they are very new to the market. i do see replacement gears (stock) on Fleabay, but no idea if they have upgrades available for them or if the FG stuff will work.

not to many folks who are "in the know" about large scales have purchased one, mostly newbs with cost limitations.

hopefully someone will be able to help you out with the good info, but atm, you maybe on your own about it.

have you tried to contact the seller to see if they can get one or know the info?
If you can pull off the spur gear and maybe take a good photo of the back of it we may be able to help you, you may also need to measure some things to compare them properly. I'm pretty sure I read that the FG gears fit the XRC on roads so hopefully you'll be lucky and it'll be the same for the offroads.
xrc gears

hi all just got into this fantastic hobby i got a xrc2 buggy nice and cheap to start with

anyways the spur gear and pinion gear are plastic can these be chabged for the metal ones as ive looked at fg ones and they look very simular cheers all

XRC use all the metal gears now:)