3 servo setup question

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Well-Known Member
Maybe a stupid question, but I have a separate servo for my hydraulics. What function should I use so channel 3 brakes. (Futaba T4PM)

I want channel 2 only for throttle and channel 3 only for brake.
you should be able to do that fella (y),
use channel mixing between ch 2 and ch 3, set the brake at zero on ch 2 then set ch 3 with zero towards the throttle side andhowever much you need towars the brake side, you will then get a smooth movement using the tx trigger from throttle to brake but on separate channels, with zero brake on ch 2 and brake on ch 3,
yeh it gets complicated but it does work (y),
took me a few attempts for me to get it set up right but just take your time and keep going over the instruction book for channel mixing and you will get there,
you should be able to do that fella (y),
use channel mixing between ch 2 and ch 3, set the brake at zero on ch 2 then set ch 3 with zero towards the throttle side andhowever much you need towars the brake side, you will then get a smooth movement using the tx trigger from throttle to brake but on separate channels, with zero brake on ch 2 and brake on ch 3,
yeh it gets complicated but it does work (y),
took me a few attempts for me to get it set up right but just take your time and keep going over the instruction book for channel mixing and you will get there,
Thanks man! Keep you noticed 😅
Thanks man! Keep you noticed 😅
you should be able to do that fella (y),
use channel mixing between ch 2 and ch 3, set the brake at zero on ch 2 then set ch 3 with zero towards the throttle side andhowever much you need towars the brake side, you will then get a smooth movement using the tx trigger from throttle to brake but on separate channels, with zero brake on ch 2 and brake on ch 3,
yeh it gets complicated but it does work (y),
took me a few attempts for me to get it set up right but just take your time and keep going over the instruction book for channel mixing and you will get there,
It works!! 👊🏽
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