3D Printed Snowmobile

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Anyone else do/doing a 3D printed snowmobile? I always wanted a 3D printer, but when I got 1, I really had no purpose for it until I found the Skeeride snowmobile.

I had to buy the complete files, then buy a "Polar" package, then a switchback pack. I ended up with hundreds of files and no real guide of which version or revision to use. I could have done without the Polar kit, the files were included in the switchback kit, but I couldn't get then to slice and the Polar files were already done, so it worked out.

It's pretty much printed now, just waiting for bearings and a motor.

I have a baja in a basket to make a snowmobile, I figure the motor and front suspension would work, but I haven't sat down to wrap my hear around the metal work to make it happen. I think this might be the prototype for that build.

Few of us have printers. I find it very handy for lots of stuff, but rarely print stuff for myself. Mostly stuff for the wife and kids or a practical print. Recently been doing a lot of Halloween stuff for my wife and kids. Good fun. What printer are you running? I'm looking to upgrade/get a bigger printer sometime early next year.