Anyone try this?

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I love my TLR 5ive B but getting the battery in and out is a pain with the pipe in the way and the little screws to get the cover off. I stopped running my lipo in favor of a NiMh pack so I can leave it in during warm weather but in winter I periodically need to put the battery in so I can fire it up. The Dynamite kill switch needs power to fire as you know. I like the idea of this on board charging system so all season the car can charge itself when running vs having to hook a charger to it in the car or remove it. Any thoughts?
I don't have a 5ive b but can't you put a long lead on the batt and charge it in the batt box? Just hang the lead out and not have to open the box everytime?
I don't have a 5ive b but can't you put a long lead on the batt and charge it in the batt box? Just hang the lead out and not have to open the box everytime?
Yes, I can do that and do in the summer. It would be nice to not hook a charger to it it at all all season. Not necessary, but definitely more convenient.

I remove the battery in winter as my car is in an unheated garage. I periodically fire the car up during winter to keep the engine internals lubed up and it needs the battery to fire because of the kill switch. That's when the hassle is. I kinda ran two things together in my original post causing confusion. Lol

As to the lipo I was using, I had to remove it every time because I'm not storing a lipo in the car in a garage full of our cars, tractors ect. I store them in a fire proof safe in the house. The on board charging system would not fix this issue.
I keep my lipo batts in 50 cal ammo cans.

I looked a couple vids and the batt box looks like a PITA on those.
Mine is a fire proof document safe. A small suitcase style. I store them inside a DDM charging bag inside the safe. Probably overkill but I like my house and the stuff inside it. The ammo can is a good idea though. I have a couple of those being occupied with their originally intended contents.
Gas helicopter guys use a charging setup on their stuff. We run 5 servos total and they keep up with that. They like the idea of just bringing gas can and radio and go fly and not have to deal with a charger too.
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