Crucial Baja Dragster

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Sir Lancelot 🛡
PLUS member
Build Thread Contributor
Maryland, USA ??
Just getting parts together for the build at the moment. $700 in carbon fiber from Dean at Bonehead. This build will be a little different and the color scheme will be gold/black? Crazy how expensive that stuff is. Should've asked about black Friday pricing? I also already have the chassis and a few other parts on hand that I scored from ddm's BF sale and ebay. Engine is also in the making as we speak. Going 34 drag mod with a 2speed trans. BRP fronts have been on order for about a month now but I was lucky to get a set of new rears from a buddy. This build will follow my Primal build. Trying to get both ready for next year. Of course I'll update as I go along. 20201127_075924.jpgScreenshot_20201117-210357_Chrome.jpgScreenshot_20201127-092506_eBay.jpgScreenshot_20201127-092541_eBay.jpg
Very nice build list so far, cant wait to see what you do with it. I'm an idiot and didnt order what I needed off ddm for a baja build. Now that it's all off sale
Its hard to remember that you want it light and its only going straight. No need for all the durability parts you would get for a regular baja.
Botajell (?‍♂️) posted a video recently with some dude that did a 2.2xx in the 132 with a Baja that thing was ridiculous. Are you gonna do the front shock delete?
Yeah I believe that was Marv. He recently came to Baltimore and I have some footage of his car running against a nitrous powered baja. He's fast and he won just about all of the races and his car is NA. Yeah no front shocks for me. I'm having a hard time finding the short FG rear shocks too. Only place that has them is RC-Car-Online, and its over $100 shipped? DDM sales them but they are out of stock at the moment.
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Yeah I believe that was Merv. He recently came to Baltimore and I have some footage of his car running against a nitrous powered baja. He's fast and he won just about all of the races and his car is NA. Yeah no front shocks for me. I'm having a hard time finding the short FG rear shocks too. Only place that has them is RC-Car-Online, and its over $100 shipped? DDM sales them but they are out of stock at the moment.
I’ve heard some people regret using the fg rears but I don’t remember why?
I would love to get into drag racing, but the guys that run in New York treat it like they are members of the nhra. Keeping secrets, feuding with other drivers and the endless drama on Facebook make me weary of getting involved
I’ve heard some people regret using the fg rears but I don’t remember why?
I would love to get into drag racing, but the guys that run in New York treat it like they are members of the nhra. Keeping secrets, feuding with other drivers and the endless drama on Facebook make me weary of getting involved
Yeah I'm not gonna be into all that drama. I just want to run. If that means just practicing with them then that's it. Yeah the drag scene is a bunch of smack talking, feuding and secrets. I will go thru that with a grain of salt attitude. I'm all about fun bro. I will have to search the rear shock issue, but don't think there are many options when it comes to baja drag shocks. Not like the car will be hitting a bunch of bumps, it just needs to dampen the launch a little.
Yeah I'm not gonna be into all that drama. I just want to run. If that means just practicing with them then that's it. Yeah the drag scene is a bunch of smack talking, feuding and secrets. I will go thru that with a grain of salt attitude. I'm all about fun bro. I will have to search the rear shock issue, but don't think there are many options when it comes to baja drag shocks. Not like the car will be hitting a bunch of bumps, it just needs to dampen the launch a little.

I've seen front baja shocks used also for the rears.
Yeah I'm not gonna be into all that drama. I just want to run. If that means just practicing with them then that's it. Yeah the drag scene is a bunch of smack talking, feuding and secrets. I will go thru that with a grain of salt attitude. I'm all about fun bro. I will have to search the rear shock issue, but don't think there are many options when it comes to baja drag shocks. Not like the car will be hitting a bunch of bumps, it just needs to dampen the launch a little.
Yeah a buddy of mine loves it but he brings a grill and a bottle of jack or a 12 pack. He says 50% of the time when it’s his turn he’s too drunk to race ????
I've seen front baja shocks used also for the rears.
I'll look into that but the dexrc rear towers come in 2 sizes. Maybe the taller one can use the front baja shocks. I got the shorter one. I'll get a pic up later.
Yeah a buddy of mine loves it but he brings a grill and a bottle of jack or a 12 pack. He says 50% of the time when it’s his turn he’s too drunk to race ????
That's gonna be me right there?
from my own experience fg shocks tend to stick and not be very smooth,
bit of a notchy feel to em,
thats the fg stadium shocks though, they will be a tad longer than what you're after crucial,
you're welcome crucial (y),
if you've never had any carbon from dean before you will love it mate,
all deans parts fit perfect and if there are any issues he will sort it (y),
Oh yeah I've used Dean's pieces before but damn its expensive.
Looks like it will be a nice rig, good luck with all the loud mouth twats on fb and such tho ???
Only the ones who claim to be the fastest talk all that smack. I'm just along for the ride Z??
Oh yeah I've used Dean's pieces before but damn its expensive.

Only the ones who claim to be the fastest talk all that smack. I'm just along for the ride Z??
yeh its expensive crucial, but deans still cheaper than most places for same thickness/quality carbon etc (y),
i actually did some testing for him when he first started making carbon parts ,
that was when i had my obr twin in a baja and i had some serious flips and rolls without any real damage,
plus dean will do custom parts and also like you're getting , the coloured weaves,

and his pin braces are bushed which not many others will make,
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