front/rear diff question/help?

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Well-Known Member
Pittsburgh Pa.
I am replacing the rear diff box with new box,drive gear,bearings,and pinion. When assembled, the assembly does not turn smoothly, kinda choppy I guess you could say. There is no left or right movement possible with the ring gear and the pinion will move in or out only maybe 1 or 2 thousandths and really doesn't change how the assembly rotates. Is it because the gears are new and not seated yet? And if that is the case, should I shim the pinion gear in to fully mesh with the ring or allow it to move forward/backwards a little. The directions do not show any spacer so maybe it's an allowable tolerance? Am I over thinking this? Oh, It's a TBIII if that matters.
It does seem to be the norm to have a roughish feeling mesh with a tight spot.
One thing i would recommend is to change the four diff screws for longer 1 1/4" (31.75mm) ones as the standard length ones will slowly back out and that's when you get problems. Also put a smear of chain lube on the ring/pinion gears.

It seems that when I bolted it to the chassis, it got alot better. Maybe the plastic diff case isn't "square" till its bolted down? Now, the center diff and the lay shaft, I think it's called, have some movement and causing a racheting type noise. Gonna look into shimming them up to reduce movement.