Help With Fine Design Conversion Kit

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Just installed the Fine Design Conversion Kit in my Grave Digger. Still working out all of the kinks. When I first turned on the pump, the pressure blew the hose off and sprayed all over the place. I secured it with a tie strap, but the hose still swells up. Does anyone know if this is normal behavior? I didn't want the water to freeze, so I'm using a 50/50 antifreeze mix, could this be making the water too thick? Should I just use water only? Also, I'm using a 2s LIPO battery and wonder if I should put a voltage regulator (BEC) inline with the pump to slow it down?

Thanks for any advice.
in general if hoses are blowing off there's a restriction in the system some where causing excess pressure to build. There's no pressure relief valve, and the bump is a fixed displacement so the fluid has to go somewhere, ie hose blows off. The restriction will be downstream of the hose blowing off. The antifreeze ratio won't change the viscosity enough to cause this, it's a physical problem.
Makes sense. My original feeling was that it's pumping too fast for the flow rate of the radiator. Anyway, after work I'm going to bypass things one at a time and see if that makes any difference in flow. Appreciate the suggestions.
Makes sense. My original feeling was that it's pumping too fast for the flow rate of the radiator. Anyway, after work I'm going to bypass things one at a time and see if that makes any difference in flow. Appreciate the suggestions.
What is the voltage the pump is designed to run at verses your actual voltage. If you are overdriving the pump with higher voltage than the pump or system is designed for then I could see that being a problem. Higher voltage , pump spins faster so would increase flow??

I don't know...just thinking out loud sort-of?
The cooling fan runs on its own 3S battery. The pump is powered from a spare channel on the receiver, which I'm powering with a 2S. The Primal Monster Trucks came with a 7.2v NIMH battery which I had to replace with a 2S battery to get enough power for the steering. Maybe they expect 7.2v for the pump. Maybe the radiator is restricted. At this point I just don't know lol.
It's not a pump issue, and spinning it faster would create more flow, which would exasperat the issue. There's a blockage or major restriction somewhere downstream of where the hose cones off.
I bypassed the radiator and the water flows just fine... the hose does not blow off. So, guess I should reach out for a replacement.
Yes that would be prudent. Most likely has some sort of blockage in it. You can take a syringe and tube and see how hard it is to push fluid through it/ see how much fluid you are able to push through it. Possibly backflushing would help to remove some debris, but for the money spent, I'd just reach out to the mfg.