HPI vs. Clone vs. FG

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Well-Known Member
Australia, Melbourne
Ok don't get me wrong, what I am trying to get out of this post is opinions and some help in me choosing my next 1/5 off roader.

As some of you know I currently run an XRC off roader. I plan to get another one early next year and im torn up on what I should go for next.

I want something strong, durable and fast. I was going to go for a RWD HPI or Clone but I saw an awesome clip on this forum yeasterday that has got me all confused.

It was a FG 4WD competition buggy with a tuned pipe. Looked like it had awesome acceleration and after surviving a front flip I think it could be quite durable.

Please don't get me wrong, im not asking wich is a morally correct purcahse (for all the clone haters) just opinions on what I could expect out of the 3 above choices or any others you may recomend.

thanks heaps.
I run fg and their clones because parts interchange between the models and I prefer on road mostly. The hpi has unreal suspension though. I've driven one and have been jealous. that said if the terrain doesn't call for massive bumps and jumps, a 4wd will outhandle a 2wd any day
thanks guys. im a big believe of you get what you pay for, which is why I think a HPI is prolly the most durable thing out there.

saying that though the clones arnt that cheap. the shop near my place sells the clones from $900-$1300, at $1300 your only a couple of hundred off a HPI which makes me wonder is there going to be a worthwhile difference?

Do the FG 4WD buggy's go as hard as the 5B's? Accelleration wise?
Think i will.They look like a decent truck.And if(when) i do break it I can just replace the parts with HPI's.
Does anyone know what the KM alloy is like? Be good to know.
If its a buggy your looking for then I would go for the HPI or clone. Remember you will eventually put the money that you will with the HPI in the clone. Eventually. But if you cant afford it at 1st then go for the KM. Make sure you find where you can get parts because ALL 1/5ths will break. It the laws of physics when it comes to power and weight.:D You will find a big difference in all the others compared to the XTM.:)
If its a buggy your looking for then I would go for the HPI or clone. Remember you will eventually put the money that you will with the HPI in the clone. Eventually. But if you cant afford it at 1st then go for the KM. Make sure you find where you can get parts because ALL 1/5ths will break. It the laws of physics when it comes to power and weight.:D You will find a big difference in all the others compared to the XTM.:)

Thanks for the info. Do you mean XRC?

If I decide to go RWD may go for the HPI, I think overall their quality of parts may be better.

I am however interested in the FG 4WD, anyone got experience with these and know what they are like? Do they go as hard as the HPI's out of the box?
If its a buggy your looking for then I would go for the HPI or clone. Remember you will eventually put the money that you will with the HPI in the clone. Eventually. But if you cant afford it at 1st then go for the KM. Make sure you find where you can get parts because ALL 1/5ths will break. It the laws of physics when it comes to power and weight.:D You will find a big difference in all the others compared to the XTM.:)

I've never broken any of mine BTB:rolleyes:
Well I have made my decision. Im going the FG MT. There's a really good deal on DDM so going to pay for that later today, should see it in under 3 weeks.

Cant wait!!! :)
just remember that if you pay anything over 1000 aud you will get sluged by custom,s duty + 10% gst...so just a heads up buddy... which one are you getting the 849 one ....
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thanks for the heads up, ive asked them to invoice the shipping seperate.

see how I go.

ah it was the fg1x, yeah 849. shipping was a bit expensive though. I read the sign free shipping over $200 and then half way through the order find out it USA only LOL.

Oh well, that wasnt stopping me getting one!:)