I got the Mutilator out today.

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Well-Known Member
Ypsilanti Michigan U.S.
I hate to post this in the "Clone" area, but it's still a clone until I get the FG 4wd conversion, then it will be all FG! I see Dave has them on sale for $225. Maybe later...

Anyway, I got the buggy out and recorded a vid of it running around in my front yard.

It ran fine, but flips over constantly (?) It actually ran for about 6 minutes and I didn't break anything!!! That's twice in a row that I have ran it and nothing has broken, it must be some kind of a record! (If you are unfamiliar with this buggy, it breaks everytime I put it down on the ground, start it, drive it, wipe the dust off it, etc... I stared at it once and stuck my tongue out at it and the body broke in half! No Lie! :lol:)

Sorry about the lousy audio, never buy a Samsung camera, they suck!

Like the garbage can smash? I was looking at the screen on the camera and I guess I just wasn't thinking 4th dimensionally and steered it right into the garbage can and also slamming into my ankle.

I don't know if you can hear it, but it has a gear to gear grinding sound in a couple spots in the video, that's where I made comments about it being a "POS" I have no idea what the noises are.

I have welded the layshaft gear to the layshaft so I know it's not slipping, but that's what it sounds like. The ring gear is in great shape. The pinion and spur are plastic, but I don't see any damage to them. I guess it just time to switch everything over to steel.

Anybody have an extra set of brake disks? I smoked both of mine and I have no idea how?

Well I hope you guys enjoyed, it's good to finally be back!
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Liking the way it undressed itself :clown::clown: I had a broken engine mount that made the layshaft & ring gear separate under acceleration. Maybe it could be something like that?
I got my fire hammer about 6 years ago i have beat an hammered that thing its always been a good buggy i must have got a good one lets hope the cen matrix 5sc turns out to be just as good so far i like it
I don't know if you can hear it, but it has a gear to gear grinding sound in a couple spots in the video, that's where I made comments about it being a "POS" I have no idea what the noises are.

I have welded the layshaft gear to the layshaft so I know it's not slipping, but that's what it sounds like. The ring gear is in great shape. The pinion and spur are plastic, but I don't see any damage to them. I guess it just time to switch everything over to steel.

Both(!) Machine screws backed out of the small motor mount, so the motor was just flopping around being held on by the plastic large motor mount. We all know how strong those are :lol:

I ran the screws back in with loctite and a nyloc on one of the screws. Should be good to go now.