In lockdown, so boys toys back out

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Does anyone know where I might get a pump for my Marder.

Part number 7373

Lockdown has me playing with my old toys

Thanks Keith
How To Declutter Your House During Lockdown With Kids
One of the upsides to having all this extra time indoors is that we can take the chance to blitz our homes and get rid of all that unwanted clutter. If you're working from home like us, you can also clear yourself a workspace. Here are our best decluttering tips on getting started, making it fun, and encouraging the kids to join in. Before you start, gather together a few decluttering supplies - gather together three boxes and some bin bags. If you have no boxes, you could mark out two areas on the floor, use two (clean) bins, toy boxes or just use bin bags - you might have to get creative!
Next - and this is most important - get the kids to choose their favourite music to play, or ask them to select a much-loved film to provide the entertainment while you're all busy.
One of our favourite declutter tips is to set up a timer on your phone, or kitchen timer. We reckon 30 minutes is a decent length of time - if you have smaller children, you might need to work in 10- or 20-minute chunks. Here are our top decluttering tips.

Keep it small

Focus on one room
Decluttering with toddlers and babies
Declutter a room step by step
Tackle toys first
Play declutter Twister
Sort out storage
Clear the kitchen
Keep your house clutter-free (mum goals)
