Grand Opening Contest...

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i have sending pms and recruiting people ,i want to see this place grow .it nice to have a great place just for largescale.thanks woodie you guys have done a awesome job.keep up the good work

That's great! The faster the word gets out the better for this contest and the following contests...:innocent:

Nope, in fact LSF is only about 3-4 days old and this contest is still anyones game! Be sure to let others know about LargeScaleForums!


That would be great bud - we can use all the help we can get on spreading the word about LSF!

This is just a Contest Update... as of 10:56 EST we have 7 members who are officially entered into the contest with 50 or more posts and from the looks of it about another half dozen or so VERY close behind.

At the rate this place is going it shouldn't be long at all before we're giving out the prizes!


just a question that people may want to know also. would the members be contacted via P.M?
when reached 50 psts.:rockon:

ps. Michael. you have 2 rockon smilies.

No, we won't be sending PM's to members that reach 50 posts. You post count is displayed in all of your posts and your member profile. You can also view everyone and their post count by viewing the Members List page, from there you can also sort by post count if you want.

Just as the first post says - the contest ends when 100 members reach 50 posts or more. So until we get 100 members with 50 posts or more this is anyones game.

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